1. ab@gmail.com : ab :
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  10. cowasa8530@kewrg.com : cowasa8530 : Jeff G Cruz
  11. dstore.ashrafultelecom1@gmail.com : dstore.ashrafultelecom1 : Ashraful Alam
  12. huzzat6@gmail.com : huzzat6 :
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  14. lastkabbo@gmail.com : lastkabbo :
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  18. Shahin.tangail350@gmail.com : shahin.tangail350 :
  19. tamgid1993blog@gmail.com : tamgid1993blog :
  20. zr.zakir96@gmail.com : zr.zakir96 :

How to Use Instagram Stories for Marketing (And Why You Should)

Instagram Stories have changed the way we use Instagram, turning the platform into something more than your everyday online photo album.

Now, Instagram is upping the ante for stories with the recent launch of product stickers, which Shopify merchants can enable through our Instagram sales channel to let customers discover, shop, and buy products directly from Instagram.

Your business can use Instagram Stories as a way to keep your most loyal followers engaged while leaving your content open for new audiences to discover. In this brief guide, we’ll share how to do just that.